Sunday, July 4, 2010

Thank You Bloggers and Followers!

More "quotes and quips" that will have special meanings to all of us. 'Wish you could all come with us - these kids will remember this National Championship tournament as a great experience.
NOLA (New Orleans team) parent:"It will be an easy trip to first base after that walk."
Jim: "Let's keep it positive please."
NOLA (New Orleans team) parent:"What - you talking to me? What did I sa?"Jim:"You know -(mimicking the accent):"It will be an easy trip to first base after that walk."
"Wow, he could really clean those balls. The umpire will be thrilled that he is a good ball cleaner."
"It's not a strike if your team is not from Florida..."
"The other team is praying for rain and lightning now..."
"Is that the fastest you can run to get to that ball?"
"Let's not play down to their level..."
"In one day we played 2 games and visited 3 theme parks. They can't say Californians are laid back..."
Kids Chanting: "Jim, Jim, Jim...Rick, Rick, Rick...Steve, Steve, Steve..."
Disney ESPN staff:"The cold water is for athletes only."
Rattler parent: "I am getting it for my son who is in the dugout."
Disney ESPN staff: "If he can get it, he can have it."
Rattler parent: "But he is in the dugout because he is playing."
Disney ESPN staff: "There is a water fountain in the dugout."
Rattler parent: "But the water in the dugout is not cold."
Disney ESPN staff to a Rattler parent (who happens to be a doctor): "Warm water is better for them in this humidity."
Rattler parent: "Really?" What can you say after that obviously uninformed comment...
"Is it 3rd or 4th? We are a higher seed..."
"I don't make the rules. The guy on the other end of the walkie talkie just relays them to me..."
"The Matthews brothers decided to stay one more day because they loved the Florida humidity...(LOL)"
Lastly, my personal favorite: Player to Dad: "That was not an error, right, Dad???" Dad to Player: "If you have to ask, I think you already know the answer. Big E"...

Buddies On and Off the Field

We played hard and partied hard...


Let's see - no soda so you can get hydrated in the dry heat of Florida. "Ummmmm - my parents are really not looking..."

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Games Postponed Till Further Notice

"We have a 7am game? What time do they have to be there? 6am? Ok, we're turning the car around..."

"Shhhhhhhhhhhhhh...Ok, we will go to bed. The movie is only 2 hours. Pass the popcorn Brandon and Mike...I think Nicole, Nick and Zak wants an icee, so they can really go to bed."
"Do you mind not kicking my seat? Thanks - have a magical day!"

Let's ditch...

"Maybe they won't notice that we went on ahead to the theme park. I know where the Disney shuttle stops... Oops, Christian is right behind us..."

Bon Voyage Jack...We'll see ya in a month...

Bon voyage Jack. We'll miss you at practices. And the wise-cracks: Jack to Stranger: "Your friends say you're cool. I don't believe them."

Friday, July 2, 2010

Hunter at the Awards!

Dan - I can't find the pic of you and Hunter...(I think we took it with your camera?) Now I am really sad - can't blog it...Please feel free to upload to the blog.

More Award Pics

Does anyone really check the blog? What is a blog?

Award Pics

As we all head back, below are some memorable quotes that will always have some special meaning to all of us:

"Don't pull a Jeremy..."
"We are turning around as we speak and sending the kids to bed early now that you said they have a 7am game."
"Stay in your hotel and wait for a text on when the game is being rescheduled."
"Are you dressed to go to a club? Is there some event at Magic Kingdom?"
"Let me take the next monorail- with the dressed up ladies, so I can find out what the event is."
"We lost the kids within 3 minutes."
"Is it gray uniform? Quick, let's turn around..."
"Is it blue uniform today? Oh no, quick, let's go back...
"My address for National Training Center is different
"I'll go on the Rockin Roller Coaster (Aerosmith) if you go."
"Christian, were there any loops in the Rockin Roller Coaster? No, I don't think so..."
"Steve, Steve,Steve (kids chanting)"
"I made the right outfit decision today..."
"I just need one decent meal that does not include hamburgers, fries, chicken strips or any Disney food."
"Did you see my Dad? Where is my Dad?
While in the middle of a game: "Which theme parks are we going to after the game?"
"I might as well get a head start before the rain comes, so I can be in the green shaded area by the time it comes."
"Not the cow bells at 7 am...Where are they from? Must be from any of the cow towns. They are from Sarasota. Where is that? Florida. Do they have cows in Florida?"
"Please explain that double play to me. I still don't get it..."
"Let's try for Italian food at Epcot..."
And lastly..."This competition does not really care about fairness..."


The only time we got the transpo service was when the boys already made it to the semi-finals. It was a mile hike up to the fields for a week up until today...In the dead heat of Florida's humid weather, (98 that feels like 110), a mile hike can make you sweat a bucket...

4th Place AAU National Champions

Under extreme adverse conditions they triumphed - 4th place AAU National Champions is a great reward for these boys! 'Loved every minute of it. Now they can say they've played in the high humidity of Florida against teams that play a higher level of baseball...Bringing home the trophy and medals is a bonus!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Kyle, Mike and Nick

Kyle pitched awesome and had great at bats in the field...Mike got a hit and did awesome on first base...Nick watched the game and cheered on...Rewards all around...

Carson Dancing With the Team

Epcot dancing...

Game Postponed - Stay in Your Hotels

We were told that our game was being postponed indefinitely because of rain, thunderstorms and lightning and to stay close in case they call in to start the game. The texts were flying around the moms and dads plus the kids within the hour. Of course the Ford's, Reiley's and the Nocon's were inside their hotel rooms. (Wink, wink - see pic...) Mike and Brandon were ready in their uniforms and Zak's uniform was in their car...So, we did not let these temporary game cancellations stop us from partying - off to Carrabba's for good Italian food and wine!!!We talked about the "spinners" and the "non-spinners"...Whatever happens in Florida, stays in Florida...

We Stand United With Our Families Here and Back Home

The Rancho Rattlers gang in Epcot - grandmas and grandpas flew in for the tournament. In the dead heat of Florida and unbelievable humidity, thunderstorms, rain and lightning we play and have fun. We can also feel the love and support back home in California...

Chirstian is a trooper...

He rocked at Test Track! He was pretty entertained at the Coke factory (see pic with Hunter)

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Nicole, Nick, Christian and the Team

Great Rattlers siblings!

Cory Tasting the Italian Coke "Beverly"

The kids went coca-cola tasting around the world. Cory tasted "Beverly" from Italy and the picture says it all. Cory was on fire at the field getting a lot of the outs! Jack is enjoying his company as a room mate...Thanks Lori and Kevin for sending him!!!

Test Track

Just like driving in California...

Epcot After 2 Wins

Headed to Epcot after 2 wins.

2 Strong Wins in a Row

Fired up!

Lunch Buddies

After a phenomenal win, lunch at ESPN Grill to watch the World Cup - Paraguay vs Japan...

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Goodbye Field Hello Animal Kingdom

After the 13-3 game with Diamond Rats (Rattlers love rats...), the Reiley's and the Ford's ran to Animal Kingdom to maximize the day/night...Expedition Everest is the best ride so far! First ones to leave the field and closed Animal Kingdom...