Friday, July 2, 2010

Award Pics

As we all head back, below are some memorable quotes that will always have some special meaning to all of us:

"Don't pull a Jeremy..."
"We are turning around as we speak and sending the kids to bed early now that you said they have a 7am game."
"Stay in your hotel and wait for a text on when the game is being rescheduled."
"Are you dressed to go to a club? Is there some event at Magic Kingdom?"
"Let me take the next monorail- with the dressed up ladies, so I can find out what the event is."
"We lost the kids within 3 minutes."
"Is it gray uniform? Quick, let's turn around..."
"Is it blue uniform today? Oh no, quick, let's go back...
"My address for National Training Center is different
"I'll go on the Rockin Roller Coaster (Aerosmith) if you go."
"Christian, were there any loops in the Rockin Roller Coaster? No, I don't think so..."
"Steve, Steve,Steve (kids chanting)"
"I made the right outfit decision today..."
"I just need one decent meal that does not include hamburgers, fries, chicken strips or any Disney food."
"Did you see my Dad? Where is my Dad?
While in the middle of a game: "Which theme parks are we going to after the game?"
"I might as well get a head start before the rain comes, so I can be in the green shaded area by the time it comes."
"Not the cow bells at 7 am...Where are they from? Must be from any of the cow towns. They are from Sarasota. Where is that? Florida. Do they have cows in Florida?"
"Please explain that double play to me. I still don't get it..."
"Let's try for Italian food at Epcot..."
And lastly..."This competition does not really care about fairness..."

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